Wayfinders Business Co-operative held its Annual General Meeting for the year ending March 31, 2022 on Thursday, September 22, 2022. It was held jointly in-person at Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and on Zoom.
Two new directors were elected to the board, Paul Cheung and Dave Yadallee.
The AGM will be accessible online with Zoom. We can only accommodate a limited number of Members at Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues board room (7103 105 St NW, Edmonton, AB).
A formal calendar invitation will be provided, including a Zoom link.
We ask that you indicate by RSVP your attendance in-person or online.
We strongly urge you to consider running for director. We need a minimum of three directors and a maximum of none. In particular we need people with expertise in finance and communications. Current Directors are running for new terms:
In order to generate benefits for our Members we need volunteers for our Membership Team, Communications Team, Finance Team as s well as a General Manager. We also depend on your annual Membership Fees of $50. Ask for details.
I am pleased to present this slide video that captures some of the highlights of the Wayfinders year 2018-19!
Thank you to all the great people who made the year a success!
Thank you to board leadership from Darryl Heuman, Klaas Rodenburg, Louis Grenier and Ben Sabet!
Thank you to IT Team leadership from Darryl Heuman, William Fritzberg, Paula Fortune, Angela Coutinho, Erick Estrada and Mark Gao.
Thank you to new board members WIllaim Fritzberg and Erick Estrada and to new committee leaders, Evelinne Crawford Teichgraber and Marie Gervais
Thanks to Vanessa Ali for her great graphics, Rod Olstad for the podcast and Bojan Kumovic for the video production.
Thanks to Leo Campos Aldunez for his ongoing work in community outreach and general advice.
Thanks to our Advisors: Laird Hunter QC, Sam Young CA, Dean Human (marketing) and Seth Leon (co-ops).
Thanks to our many guest speakers this past year.
Thank you to new members who understand that there are great things to come from a community of trust.
I will soon share a Wayfinding Forward for the coming year.
Here is a link to the video on YouTube