Lloyd graduated from the School of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan in 1963. He was subsequently employed for 35 years by a major Western Canadian manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing organization. His various responsibilities through several different positions included sales, marketing, operations, facility development, recruitment, hiring and monitoring.
During his career, he attended numerous courses, seminars and workshops on a wide variety of topics. However, a seminar/workshop on “Performance Planning and Review” was by far the most valuable in improving management skills.

Following retirement in 1998, he assisted some small businesses relative to Job Descriptions and Performance Appraisals. Those projects, along with other business contacts, led him to conclude that few small to medium-sized businesses and organizations have implemented the kinds of programs he had been using to great advantage for more than 20 years. The primary client target was those with fewer than 100 employees. There is an obvious need for such a program, so he began developing a Performance Management Package adapted to the requirements of those businesses and organizations. His business, Callcraft Consulting, had a simple objective – help improve productivity and employee job satisfaction to contribute to overall efficiency and profitability.
The program now being used in his work with a wide range of employers is based on practical, proven methods to improve productivity by having businesses meet their objectives through employees meeting their individual objectives. This is achieved through Job Descriptions, Orientation Checklists, Workplans, Appraisals, Employee Career Plans and the associated forms, worksheets and guidelines.
Starting in 2004, Lloyd teamed with Darel Baker from Keldar Leadership to conduct a series of one-day seminars and workshops on Recruitment, Hiring and Performance Management to many business and organization owners and managers. Included in these sessions was an introduction to Lloyd’s “Hire for HIPPA, Train for Skill” concept, which illustrates the importance of emphasizing personal attributes in the hiring process. Please see the overview under Seminars and Workshops.
For moire information see About Lloyd Kenney – Performance Management
You can contact Lloyd at callcraft@shaw.ca