Good afternoon Everyone
Attached is a summary of all the Covid-19 Assistance programs for both businesses and individuals announced by the governments so far.
As you know, government programs are changing quickly. The intent of this summary is to provide you with the most current information. The latest updates are going to be made to this document on an on-going basis and it will be available on our COVID-19 Resource Centre on RSM Website.
Thanks! Stay Healthy and take care!
COVID-19 – instructions for submitting client records:
In response to national, provincial and local COVID-19 guidance, RSM employees are working remotely and we are limiting access to our offices until further notice to protect the health and safety of our clients, employees and communities. We strongly encourage you to submit your records electronically, if possible. If you are unable to do so, essential services staff are available at the office to receive deliveries of client records by courier. If you need to drop off records in-person, please call our office at (main number) to ensure someone will be available to receive you.
RSM can help you stay informed with the latest insights, ideas and countermeasures to minimize the negative effects related to COVID-19, as well as prepare for future emergency events at our COVID-19 Resource Centre.
Samuel Young
Samuel Young, FCPA, FCA, CFA
RSM Canada
10104 – 103 Avenue NW, Suite 2500 Bell Tower, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0H8
D: 780.784.2918 F: 780.425.8189 I E: I W:
P: 780.428.1522 (2918) C: 780.497.8669