Leadership in the 21st Century and the Role of Women
Friday October 26, 2018
As change unfolds rapidly within our local, national & international economies, so do shifts in gender roles, power, influence and decision-making. In the mix, women of all backgrounds, professions & stations in life, are asking – where do we fit in the “new economy?” Join us for an engaging conversation on these stirring issues.
Amanda Knight is passionate about creating great workplace cultures by helping leaders recognize that leadership is a privilege, not a right, and that non-judgment is the new leadership capability essential for limiting bias and for encouraging inclusion.
Location: Orange Room at The Business Link, Suite #500, 10150 – 100 St. | Time: 10:00 am. – 12:00 noon | Admission: a $5.00 donation is welcomed.
RSVP by October 24 to: leocamposa@gmail.com or 780.474.6058.
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TALK SPONSORED by: Wayfinders Business Cooperative