Meet ‘Joe the pro’. That’s his motto wherever he goes. That’s because Joe is one of a special breed – a natural born salesman. He’s the kind of guy you need to lead on sales. You know it immediately when you meet him. He didn’t go to college for long, but his personality shows it wasn’t necessary for him. They really can’t teach what makes Joe special. No text books for Joe, but a few evening refresher classes and motivational workshops keep him sharp and on the leading edge.

And yet he’s not the typical “high-pressure salesman” that you sometimes think of in sales – ‘anything for a sale’. No, Joe’s style is all about serving people. He’s not just out to make a sale, he’s out to build sustainable productive relationships among sellers and buyers. He’s a people-person with enough knowledge of products and business requirements. Joe has spent many years getting to know the business requirements of oil patch buyers. He has managed his reputation for integrity, taking time to understand requirements, and adding a touch of class.
That’s why Don, president at DKR Manufacturing, turned to Joe, not just as a consultant — though he can do that as well — but to actually make sales calls for him. DKR makes sheet metal sheds to house a variety of oil field applications. Joe works on contract for Don and several other clients who do not have their own sales forces. He works the Alberta oil patch representing small manufacturing companies like Don’s that are not competitors with each other.
In a single visit with a buyer, Joe can be making pitches for three or four different kinds of products. That’s part of how he can make himself more affordable than single-purpose sales staff. Joe shows Don how he can get DKR a higher return on investment than hiring sales staff on salary plus commission. Don pays Joe on a full commission basis with a retainer to maintain long term sales contracts that Joe sets up. Bonuses may apply. In a three month probation period, if he is not able to make sufficient sales, he will not pursue the contract further. It has to be a win-win-win partnership.
Joe is a matchmaker of sorts. He takes the time to work with Don and Don’s marketing consultant, Steve, to prepare an agreeable marketing and sales plan. He works with Don’s target market based on his years of industry experience. What are the companies that can get the greatest benefits from Don’s products?
In some cases, Joe has helped clients with market research. He will ask buyers what they think of a product, its features, benefits, price and service agreement. This is important for new companies and new product lines for Joe’s existing clients. He does this market testing because he has relationships with his buyers and they know Joe can be trusted to bring them products they can use and afford. He also wants to be known as a guy who is on the leading edge of the industry but also respects its traditions.
What Joe amounts to is a supply-chain builder. With enough Joes in the market, the industry supply-chains and clusters are healthier and everyone wins. Wayfinders is a place to find more sales professional like Joe across different industries.